Saturday, November 8, 2008


Dear Comrades,

We reproduce hereunder the statement issued by the Central Trade Unions and Independent Unions/ Federations calling upon the workers to observe ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY ON 21ST November, 2008 against the anti-labour policies of the Government.

All our units are requested take part in this programme and also mobilise our members in the programme.

With greetings,

Yours comradely,


New Delhi
Dated 5.11.2008

Sponsoring Committee of Trade Unions, in its meeting held on 5th November, 2008, notes with serious concern the Govt.'s acceptance of the deep economic crisis in the world has affected India also.
Large scale loss of jobs is already in evidence in a number of sectors. The report of downsizing, cuts proposed in the wage is already seen. It is because of the strong presence of public sector in the economy, India had not been brutally assaulted.
According to a report of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2 crore people shall lose jobs in the world, Employers attempt to take full advantage of the situation to force their agenda and enforcing wage cuts, lay off and retrenchment in various sectors, when the workers are adversely affected by unprecedented inflation and price rise.
The present situation also have the effect on the ancillaries of the big industries and the small and medium scale industries which survive on the outsourcing of the corporates and others dependent on exports. Some of them are already closed rendering the workers jobless. The impact of the crisis would be ominous also on the unorganised workers, farmers as well as other masses. It had been the usual practice of the employers, both Indians and MNCs to put the burden of the economic crisis on the working people.
The recent constitution of a high power committee under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister "to address the concerns of the captains of industry" accompanied by day to day monetary mechanism is a clear indication as to what path the government has chosen. The Govt. has no concern or seriousness about the serious situation caused to the working class on account of the economic crisis and the neo-liberal policies pursued by them. Several steps announced by the Finance Minister and the assurances made by the Prime Minister are in the nature of agreeing to the demands of the industrialists and big business. Despite the collapse of the neo-liberal policies world over, Indian government has not learned the lesson and continue to purse the same neo-liberal policies and resort to raising the FDI limits in the LIC, Banks and the financial sectors. The PM did not care to call the representatives of the working class, who are the worst hit.
The Sponsoring Committee calls upon the Govt. to reverse the neo-liberal economic policies and withdraw the all the Financial Bills pending before the parliament such as FDI in Banking and in the Insurance, Pension Bill etc. The Sponsoring Committee demands the Govt. should take immediate steps to strengthen the public sector, make massive investment in social sector, make massive investment in social sector, agriculture and production scheme including small & medium industries in order to create jobs.
The Sponsoring Committee of Indian Trade Unions calls upon the working class to rise on the occasion and resist these anti labour and anti-people policies of the Government and observe ALL INDIA PROTEST DAY on 21st November, 2008 by observing Dharnas, Demonstrations, Rallies etc. demanding the Govt. to reverse these neo-liberal policies.

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